Information on:

Dream Theatre Company

Dream Theatre Company
5026 North Lincoln Avenue

Mission Statement:

Dream Theatre Company produces all original work; shatters the barrier between actor and audience; focuses on the development of the actor as an artist; leaves no member of the audience to feel as a mere spectator but puts each at the very center of the play; and delivers the highest art possible in its most raw, unflinching and entertaining form. 

DTC Rules:

No fourth wall

No psychological subject is off-limits

No poor roles for women or superfluous roles

No boundaries of realism

The audience must always be comfortable

Dream Theatre only produces original work specifically created for this type of theatre. We only  produce psychological pieces that linger with the audience long after the production is over. We are always experimenting with our style and never play safe. When creating a world based on dreams, the characters have to be able to express themselves in a way that we only wish we could in our real life. Nothing that happens will feel out of bounds or out of place because in this world of dreams, anything is already possible. These plays fulfill a need in our core audience that they have consistently told us that they cannot find anywhere else.

Dream Theatre Company is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media


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